Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

Archive for February 7th, 2010

Traffic Viloations based on race

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I seen a news segment on a Florida police officer who gave tickets based on race. He only gave the tickets to minorities, and gave causes such as running a stop sign or running a red light. When complaints started coming in about the officer, an investigation took place and it was discovered that the officer had fabricated many tickets. The officer served with the department for 25 years so no one really knows how long he has been doing this.

Written by eclass08

February 7, 2010 at 6:00 pm

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About this book…

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Is it just me or this book “Racist Without Racism” is kind of bias? I totally agree with the fact that minorities should NOT be discriminated against at any time, but i DONT agree with what this book implies about “all whites” being racists and that everything they do or say has a hidden or obvious racist meaning. It is true that we do have many racist people in this world but we all shouldn’t be measured with the same ruler. that is stereotyping. Isn’t it? So, what do YOU think about this book? Doesn’t it take the issue to an extreme?

Written by lisbecita

February 7, 2010 at 5:15 am

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“Cuter babies”

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In my point of view, I think it is sad when people say they want a light skin baby. One day a few friends and I was talking and this subject came up. One of my African American friends said that she wants a light baby because lighter babies are cuter. She was implying that all white babies are better looking than darker ones because they are lighter and darker babies are ugly. From my perspective, all babies are cute and can not be judged. I told her she is so ignorant because a child’s skin color should not matter and the only thing that should really be important is their health.

Written by misscandib21

February 7, 2010 at 4:24 am

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Before taking this class, I never realized the significance that stereotypes play in our generation. Until recently, I did not recognize to what extent people made such blunt comments regarding stereotypical racial statements. A few days ago I was talking to one of my friends about the different ways that guys approach girls in the club and she made the statement that she has never cared for hispanic men because they are always very forward and act as if they can approach a girl in any manner that they want, and when a girl turns them down they continue to bother her. What is ironic about this statement is that she herself is hispanic, yet still makes this generalization. That, in itself, made me realize how much people have conformed to sterotypes, even about their own race.

Written by lp0812

February 7, 2010 at 2:40 am

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Racism against the gay soceity

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In class we had talked about the controversies on whether gays should be allowed to serve in the military. Before this discussion in class someone had posted a status on Facebook saying he agreed with Obama when he said, gays should be allowed to serve our country. In response to this status someone had disagreed, so I asked the person why they are humans they should be allowed to. He said well I wouldn’t want to get raped or anything and to that I said okay that is against the law just because someone is gay they are not going to rape you. Plus I never thought about it this way, but when we watched the video clip in class it is true what the military veteran said, it’s about professionalism. So just because someone is gay they can’t be professional on the job? Just because someone is gay they are incapable of fighting for our country. Like someone said in class its like they talk about gays as if  they were from a different breed. After responding to that person on Facebook he proceeded to say that, maybe it was best for them to go to the military so they can all die, what can I say I’m a conservative. I was in total shock and could not continue the conversation with such an ignorant person. There are really people out there that feel so strong about this issue that would wish death on a group of people, that is just disgusting! Like really what makes you so qualified to judge another person? I really wish I knew why people feel like they have the darn right to judge anyone! Some people say well that isn’t what the bible says and that they should not be able to get married. What if that person doesn’t believe in God? and if you do believe in God well leave it up to him to decide.

Written by roxy423

February 7, 2010 at 2:39 am

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Racist Food Menu?

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In honor of Black History month, the television network NBC thought it would be appropriate to incorporate a menu once a week in their cafeteria that served “black” foods. This menu consisted of items such as fried chicken, collard greens, corn bread, and black eyed peas. However, after several reactions from the patrons of the restaurant, NBC promptly removed the menu and replaced it with their usual foods. When the African-American chef of the restaurant was asked about the issue, he replied by saying “All I wanted to do was make a meal that everyone would enjoy — and that I eat myself.” Is there something so wrong with fried chicken and collard greens that people need to get offended by the menu choices? This NBC employee had been trying for 8 years to incorporate this sort of menu into Black History month and finallt got approval from the executives who did not see any problem with serving delicious foods. As the great Dave Chappelle so eloquently put it, “If you don’t like chicken and watermelon, something is wrong with you.” While this menu may have suggested at some common stereotypes of African-Americans, at the end of the day, it’s just food. I believe these people seriously overreacted over a minor issue. The problem of racism in this country is not going to disappear if we are focusing on these petty issues rather than the real problems that face our country.

Written by mvmia16

February 7, 2010 at 2:39 am

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Comedy, or Reality?

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The other night I was watching comedy central when comedian Daniel Tosh made a joke that really opened my eyes. He was talking about the popular reality game show, ‘Survivor’, where contestants are isolated in the wilderness and compete for a million dollar cash prize. Now let’s think about this, people are placed on an isolated island where they have no food, shelter or water. Where they have to fend for themselves, with minimal resources to survive. We will pay a person a million dollars to live a life that, in reality, many people in poorer countries are forced to live everyday. I had never even thought of this before, but I felt that it was all too true. It’s a big deal for the contestants to win such prizes as receiving a cell phone so they can call their loved ones, while there are people who in their entire lives will never see such a piece of technology. My friend and I began discussing this issue, when he made a degrading statement about ‘white people’, and how they could be so selfish. In actuality however, the United States is not the only country where the reality show ‘Survivor’ takes place. I wonder what the creators of the show would think if they were confronted with such an idea. I know that everyone can not be held accountable for all of the problems in the world, but I honestly believe that if we all made some effort we could make a difference. After all, it has to start somewhere.

Written by elianita514

February 7, 2010 at 1:47 am

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Racially Diverse Team.

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This event tends to happen a lot when I’m watching a basketball game with mixed company and it makes me wonder about our underlining preconceptions about what type of person, racially, should be playing professional basketball.  I know the all white league has caused uproar but just looking at an average college basketball game there are some racial discrepancies.  Depending on the game I am watching with a friend or acquaintance there is a chance that a comment about the ratio of white to black players on a tem will come up.  I was watching a game where Utah played Villanova and one of the people watching it made the comment “Wow, Utah has a lot of white players, how are they any good?”   This made me think about what players are considered “good” in today’s culture, the most talented and popular athletes in the NBA are black so this person watching must assume that a team made up of solely whites can’t be any good.  I pointed out that the best teams usually have a good mix of talents and races in their lineup so race does not play the sole determinant in judging the quality of a team.  I tend to notice the racial discrepancies in sporting events and this one comes up way too often.

Written by mato89

February 7, 2010 at 1:25 am

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Today, I was talking with someone and they stated that all Asian people are named “Lee” and she wondered why she even asked anymore, because the majority of the time “Lee” is the correct name.  I found this statement to be very ignorant and it really upset me that someone could say something so racist.  Why would she automatically assume that every Asian persons name is Lee?  That would be the exact same thing as someone saying that every white girl is named Ashley. We all know this isn’t true and she probably would have been very offended if someone of a different race said something like that about her.  I really think everyone should stop judging people based on their race and if their name sounds White, Black, or Asian.

Written by tjurgonski

February 7, 2010 at 1:20 am

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