Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

Archive for February 25th, 2010

Is abortion the next genocide?

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As many of you probably already know there was a campaign here on campus with signs reading “warning genocide pictures ahead” but as you kept walking the only pictures shown were about abortion and that having an abortion is killing a person. I am not pro abortion, but in some situations it is understandable. But I was outraged at this campaign. To downplay and degrade actual genocides by comparing them to abortion I feel is wrong. Genocides such as Rwanda and Afar affected many people around the world. Even though I am not for abortion I feel that the only people directly affected is the family. Also I was watching the news the other day and there was a segment about abortion being the number one or at least a top killer in African Americans. They were bascially saying that blacks have more abortions than whites and turned the entire concept to make it a racial issue. Why is the idea or concept of abortion so HUGE in our society that in order to prevent it we would resort to compaing it to a genocide and making it a racial matter.

Written by tayokam

February 25, 2010 at 4:45 pm

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Race & Abortion

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Recently there was a billboard put up in Georgia that called black children an endagered species. The billboard was put up by a black group who was trying to raise awareness about abortion and the toll that it is taking on the black community. Recent polls show that black women areĀ  3 times as likely to have an abortion as white women, and at the same time they are 1.5 times as likely to get pregnant as white women. Some women within the Georgia community feel discriminated against and feel disgraced by the billboard. They feel that they are being targeted and singled out. One woman who supports abortion for women feels that they are trying to be controlled in a way that relates to slavery times. When compared to the latino population blacks vastly out-number them with their amount of abortions, and many within the black community feel that this is part of the reason why the latino community has overtakent the black community as the leading minority in America. I personally am against abortion but i do feel that women should have the choice. The choice to either give their child up for adoption or keep the child for themselves but i feel that no child should die without having the chance to live.

Written by bmcdaniel91

February 25, 2010 at 4:41 pm

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Racism in Greek Life

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I read an article that described racism in Greek life. In Indiana, a sorority was kicked off campus for its behavior including promiscuous videos on you tube, poor grades, and hazing. The sorority went on a “purge” to get rid of the girls who were causing all these problems. They kicked out 22 of its 34 members. They kicked out the only black member and the two only Asians, also anyone who was overweight and had dark hair. I find this to be extremely shocking that people who calls each other “sisters” would treat these women with such disrespect. I find this to be outright racism against minorities and overweight dark haired people. I guess these girls only think thin, blonde, white people are beautiful or “good enough” to be in their chapter.

Written by amgostigian

February 25, 2010 at 3:17 pm

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i dont discriminate….

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I dont discriminate when it comes to my safety. I feel like people have a fear of Blacks at time. Like all Blacks are the devil or some nonesense like that. I dont know if its from a past experience or tales from the 60’s about black being hypersexualized, violent, and etc. Why wont people realize that all those claims were from peole who were out right racist. Just like the racist anthropologist who claimed brain size made a difference or that black arose from chimps. Like I stated before I dont discriminate when it comes to my safety. When I’m in my car on the side of the road, walking, etc. I’ve seen white women grab their purse in fear or an African American individual walking by despite the possibility that, that individual could be a neurosurgeon. So when I’m doing activities around other people I dont care what walks by or who, or whatever race I clench my purse too, I lock my car doors if a 8 year old walks by. I dont discriminate if I’m in an unfamiliar place and I have 2 males/ 2 females next to me one white and one black and I need directions. I walk/ speed up faster and use my phone to tell me the directions. To me the question of what makes a theif/killer/rapist is neither black nor white. I wish other idiots would get real too!

Written by ineeduf

February 25, 2010 at 2:55 am

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