Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

Archive for February 26th, 2010


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So a friend of mine saw the movie precious and he told me how it was one of the most depressing and just sad movies he has ever seen. I have not seen it yet but he told me that the life circumstances that precious has to go through are just horrible. Even though it is really sad, there are women just like her living through similar horrific circumstances. I was just wondering, and correct me if I am wrong, but are movies like precious usually done with black actresses and actors or are there the same amount with white actresses and actors?

Written by cristyb7513

February 26, 2010 at 6:14 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

Vick and his fans

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I have been watching the Michael Vick story on BET and a lot of people were upset and others were happy that he got reinstated. I don’t know why but this caught my attention, I don’t know if they just showed it like this or what. The people that were upset with him and calling him “dog killers” and etc a lot of them seemed to be white. However, some blacks were happy he got a second chance. I’m not saying every single black person was happy he got reinstated and I’m not saying every white person was against him being reinstated but on the show that’s what I saw. Like they showed the black old man happy for him and the white older lady upset with her campaign signs up.

I love dogs and got a dog of my own and I am not justifying what he did to be right because what he did was completely wrong. However, he was punished for his actions so he did the time. I also took notice that Vick knew he was wrong and blamed himself for his actions but he put the blame on his childhood too. He compared dog fighting to him as something as natural for a black man as selling drugs on the street? As a child that was what he was exposed to. What a shame.

Written by misssandib

February 26, 2010 at 3:26 pm

Posted in Uncategorized