Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

Archive for February 8th, 2010

Racism without Racist

with 3 comments

I have enjoyed reading this book so far. This is mainly because it has opened my eyes to differents areas that race plays a role in our daily lives. It also shed some light in the ways I act upon race. I do think that the author is very partial in this book. So far in the book, the author only discusses whites as the racists. He does not mention the fact that other races can also be racists. And I am definitly writing this as a black person. For example, there was an expert in the book where an lady freaked out at a clerk and started calling her racist because she did not help her out. I thought that was totally uncalled for, from the lady’s part. I hear my friends talk about people and judge them by saying that the way is a person is acting is because she is white. The way I view it, that is a racists act. I also feel like there are so much double standards in the way we treats each as blacks. This one thing that has been bothering since I have been in American and If someone can explain it to me, it would be amazing. Why is it acceptable for African Americans to call each other the “N” word but if others say it, it is because they are racists? From my understanding, it is a degrading term and it should not matter whose mouth it comes out of.

Written by emefad

February 8, 2010 at 1:57 am

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