Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

Archive for February 28th, 2010

What do you say now?

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Ok so last night me and my friends were going to the movies. I don’t remember how was it that we ended up talking about this movie coming up (the funeral I think) and how we all wanted to go see it. But, all of the sudden one of my friends made the comment of how it wouldn’t be a good idea to go watch that movie in the movie theater because a lot of blacks would go too. Because I didn’t understand his point, I asked him why was that. He said that because they were really loud and we wouldn’t be able to hear “plus blacks act stupid when they are not alone.” I tried to explain my friends how that was a stereotype and that even if it was true NOT ALL BLACKS were like that. So now the discussion between me and 4 of my friends was about how “yes all blacks are like that” and mr saying no. But, when we acctually got to the movies the one we wanted to see wassokd out and the only one that was available for that time was “Cop out.” when we entered the room there was a group of around six or seven African Americans sitting all the way in the back. And guess what? They were sooooo loud that we couldn’t really hear sometimes. That’s not the bad thing. The really bad and uncomfortable thing was having ALL MY FRUENDS staring at me and telling me “so what do u say now?.”

Written by lisbecita

February 28, 2010 at 8:35 am

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I said, I’m NOT a Racist! (AC Transit Bus Fight)

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I’m sure most of you have already watched this video since its debut on the net a few weeks back, but I am trying to understand what this fight was really over? It’s obvious that this fight has everything to do with race, but was the old white man even being racist? The video shows the young black guy and the old white man having a casual conversation until the topic of “shining shoes” comes up. Shining shoes is historically known as something slaves used to do for their slave owners. The black fellow in the video took the race card extremely too far. After the older guy said he wasn’t trying to be racist, then the younger guy should have just dropped it right then and there. This video started off to be about race, but it ended up being about principle. There are tons of black people in this world, and the guys like the one in this video get treated just like they need to be treated. The race card shouldn’t be used at anytime. A lot of people like the guy in this video think that white people owe them something, so they can treat them any kind of way. No matter what race you are, disrespect is disrespect. There are so many closet racists in this world, that if someone actually told me they weren’t a racist, I’d take their word for it.

Written by rphilp88

February 28, 2010 at 4:40 am

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a day a long john silvers

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One day I was at Long John Silver’s with a few friends. We was behind a few friends in the line. Behind the ordering counter everyone could see the station where the food was prepared. And then out of no where one of the girls mumbled, “it’s a lot of black people working in here…they love their fish.” Then one of my friends said nicely, “apparently you do too since you are in here”. When it was time for them to order the same girl yelled, “Why that man is not wearing any gloves, he need to put some on when he makes my food.” Then there was a big commotion so the manager came out and informed the customer that employers always wash their hands constantly but they can wear gloves when making her food if it’s a problem. All I could do was shake my head and say what a shame. I felt like that customer just wanted to cause problems. She could have handled that situation a better way.

Written by misscandib21

February 28, 2010 at 4:31 am

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ABC What would you do?

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I just say the episode where the two hispanics walked into a deli in New Jersey and the cashier was an actor for ABC. The two Hispanic men were trying to order food but had trouble trying to order it because they could not speak english. The actor started saying stuff like go back on your truck, go back to your country, and we speak english here. I was surprised to see how many more people (customers) were rooting him on with the comments he was sayign to these hispanics. Most people I know would just act like nothing ever happened and ignore it but a lot of people in the store who were actual customers were agreeing with him and saying nasty things to them. When one of the hispanic men were interviewed he mentioned how he felt so bad that he wanted to cry and honestly I almost wanted to cry by him saying that because even though it is only a show the point is that these things really happen and being hispanic it hurts me that we would get treated this way, no one for that matter should get treated that way. At the end there was a white man who stood up for them and started yelling at the cashier and told him thats not how you treat people. It made me happy to know that there are some people out there that would stand up and not turn a blind side to racism. I wish more and more people were like this and did there part in changing this society from being so racist.

Written by roxy423

February 28, 2010 at 3:55 am

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Racism in California

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I was reading an article today about how the governor of California is becoming deeply concerned with the amount of racism that is occurring on college campuses in California. There have been many incidents of people doing racist things, such as having a noose and carving a swastika into a Jewish student’s dorm door. I think it is crazy how people are being allowed to do these things. It is also really sad that people feel the need to do these hurtful things too. They are only doing it to draw attention to themselves and to hurt these people’s feelings. I think that in order for these things to stop happening, these people need to realize that they are not funny and are only making themselves look stupid.

Written by tjurgonski

February 28, 2010 at 2:24 am

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English Teacher

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I just read an article about a teacher in London who was recently fired after an altercation with a group of Muslim students.  It didn’t go down like you think.

The teacher reported that the students in his class (some as young as 8 ) were praising the bombers behind the Sept 11th attacks calling them martyrs and claiming that when they “want to be Islamic bombers when [they] grow up”.  The students also verbally attacked the teacher claiming that because he was a Christian he was their enemy along with the Jews.

After reporting this incident, the teacher was subsequently fired and is now suing for racial discrimination.  The school he teaches at is predominantly Muslim (including the principle and assisstant principle that did the firing).

Written by devaio24

February 28, 2010 at 2:10 am

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Reality TV

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I was watching a show a while back and it was some reality TV show with a bunch of contestants in a house together. One of the contestants was doing another girl’s nails and the girl getting her nails done said “you’re so good at this!” while a bystander continued with “of course, she’s Asian!”.  The comment was clearly racial stereotyping and shouldn’t have been said but it was silly, and I don’t think she meant any harm by it.  However, the entire house FREAKED out and chastised this contestant for HOURS…screaming that she was a “racist bitch”, not talking to her unless to scream obscenities, avoiding her room, talking loudly about her to one another in an adjoining room so that she could hear, it was ridiculous!! She even apologized and said she meant nothing of it, it was a silly stereotype and she felt bad but NOTHING could get these people off their hate rant. Now, stereotypes are mean but guess what, we ALL have been victim and have used them and if we’ve ever been called out on it, we feel bad and we immediately apologize and re-think our actions.  I felt bad for this girl, she said something stupid and after taking it back, no one would budge and forgive her.  If someone made a blatant stereotype about me, I’d probably be pissed too but I would probably let it go within minutes if there was an apology and a public recognition of stupidity.

Written by cgator19

February 28, 2010 at 2:03 am

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Seaweed boy!

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A friend of mine works with young children at a private school taking care of them after school when their parents can’t be with them.  She told me about a shocking story about the children bullying another child.  The reason I thought it was especially wrong was that they only picked on him because he could not speak English.  My friend explained that this certain boy could only speak Mandarin because his family recently moved to the United States from China.  He is 100 percent Chinese and has found it hard to fit in with the others.  I’m not particularly shocked that children were bullying others in general, but I found it wrong that they bullied him only because he looked different and only talked with words they could not understand.  They knew something about his ethnicity because they chased him with grass and forced it into his mouth while screaming “Seaweed Boy!”, I guess someone told those kids that Asians eat seaweed.  I don’t think the bullies should be reprimanded because they’re innocent kids but, I think its important to teach them that this behavior is some of the worst they can do.   Also I wonder how it makes the young victim feel about children in the United States.

Written by mato89

February 28, 2010 at 1:39 am

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