Perspectives on Race

A Discussion about Events Concerning Race

So being open to different cultures is wrong now?

with 2 comments

This gets me every time. First off, I’m an oriental asian. However, coming from south florida and being surrounded by diverse ethnic people, I’m acknowledged as, quote on quote, “black.” Having a previous boyfriend that was Jamaican, I enjoy speaking the language of patois. More so, I speak spanish with a great accent. Even more, is that I’m part of the filipino student association, (eventhough I’m not filipino) and bsu. What defines who I am is diversity, and I really thought people would look at that and appreciate it. Instead, I realize that the majority of people, even my own close friends, look at me with confusion. They joke around every now and then and say I’m “confused” or  I’m everything BUT asian. At first it was kind of funny but honestly i’m really bothered. How is it that my willingness to be exposed to other cultures be viewed as perplexing? I feel like the main component to conquering racism is to be more open, but I wonder how we could do that if everyone seems to be less willing to step out of their own box and reach out to other cultures?

Written by aunanan7

November 30, 2009 at 8:54 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. I admire that completely. Never lose that feature. It’s important to not listen to what anyone else says and just take in the culture you care for so much. People will always look at aesthetics…regardless of how much they can benefit from making their perspectives less narrow. Kudos to you.


    December 1, 2009 at 7:22 am

  2. I completely agree with you that the way to combat racism is openness to other cultures different from your own. I think that learning about other cultures is very important in a society like ours. Sometimes I think we get caught up in ourselves that we become ignorant of others around us, that being said, I also think that maintaining your own culture and identity is also very important.


    December 7, 2009 at 3:24 am

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